Alan Watts - Music and Life

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Times like these...

Is times like these that makes the real "me" come out and put a boot right up my ... well you know where... I'm getting really used to it... it kinda feels like home.

Today, the most lonly day of them all. The more people I meet, the bigger becomes the emptiness inside...

Where are the people that usually suround us cheerfuly? Have they ever been there at all, I wonder...

This brings up a rather interesting subject... what is real?

Am I real? Are you? Whatever you look upon...

How can I be positively sure that I'm not part of someone's dream, that I'm not a product of someone's imagination, or perhaps, even my own...

Many people might dislike the movie "The Matrix", but since it came out I've identified it immediately with society (like most some people have, I hope). I mean... Let's not have the robbots taking over Human Kind and using us as living batteries (ROTFL), but instead having ourselves, the creators, the cradle of pure and raw uncounscienceness rebels.

The point here is not can you believe it, but would you?

Is it not safer to live by the thought that you are not responsible for your actions and destiny?
Descarding all responsability, which makes us alive and, and have some supernatural being handling it for us... Ridiculous if you ask me.

However, do not let yourself into believing that I'm actually making any sense here.

Loneliness its living proof that nothing matters...
Meaning? NOTHING, is it!

Now, seriously... and lets not try to be a bunch of smartasses here...

What happens if you insult someone?
If you kick some dude in the balls?
If you have money?

Tell me exactly what is the point of having society liking you?

Why shall I:

 - Not smoke (tobbaco, weed, whatever...)?
 - Not drink alcoholic beverages?
 - Not have sex whith who and how many people I want?
 - Not use abusive and insulting language?
 - Go to College (University)?
 - Have a good job (or a job at all)?
 - Own a car?
 - Get married and build up a family?
 - Be accepted by society?

What is the point exactly?
What are we living for? For WHO are we living?

Well, of course, if fitting in, and living so others can compliment you is what makes you happy, by all means... go ahead!

Though, if I rather be homeless than have to put up with your sacred society's rules, please, for the love of whatever is immportant to you, leave me alone, don't judge me for being an individual...

As always I doubt that someone will EVER understand what I've been writting... or saying... However, if you were brave enough to read the all thing through. Well, good for you.
