Alan Watts - Music and Life

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Awaken, again...

To all the people I no longer trust:

The worst thing that can happen is to be back-stabbed by someone you see as a friend.
Friends don't take advantage on you for what you have or where you are neither for what you can do for them. This is called opportunism (and you should be ashamed of yourself)

Though: "shame on you if you fooled me once, shame on me if you fooled me twice".

You might as well just delete me from your contacts. Dare asking for a favor, I beg you.

To all the friends that have always been there for me:

I'm happy and glad that I will always be there for you. Even though if not the way you wanted or expected. If your heart speaks the truth, you will know who you are to me.

Death (metaphorically speaking) to the betrayers who care about nothing but their own fucking desires and have no guts to even apologize... *spit*

I gave you shelter when you needed the most... you've refused me one before I even asked for it.

I gave you strength when you were afraid... you've rose above and your ego forgot your roots.

I've shown you that there is always a way... you took the advice without fully understand it and pushed me from the way.

I've trusted you with all my plans... you'd never told me yours, for taking advantage of me was part of one.

In the end... nothing but a leech, you were... still are. And for the looks of it, will still be.

Mistakes... Mistakes... Learn from them and them forget that they were ever there.