That's right, long time no see. I have been away from my country for about almost 3 years.
Yes lads, tough luck... or maybe not!
Portugal might not be the best country of them all, actually is rather sappy and did not develop a bit... though I still do love its old ways and retrogressive society, in a broody and sarcastic way, it is my country after all!
Amazingly, and yet regarding the previous information, this country does surprise me. You see, I've been told (and by the way, literally, frightened to death, specially by the news) that Portugal was jobless, and hopeless... well, it is partially true. The thing is, as you'll come to understand, the situation is only "bad" because people don't really move their asses... (oops, "A" word, one of many yet to come).
So, here I was, scared with the thought that my home city, for example, could have been burnt to its foundations, that every people I knew was begging on the streets and selling crack... or my thought wasn't this dramatic, per say, but I was indeed worried that all environments which were familiar to me had been drastically changed.
I must say, that I didn't find the situation as bad as they made me picture it, I could find a good job after 2 weeks, while some people are out there jobless for 2 years... hmm... that's interesting. The funny part is that, I didn't even had to try! Look, I have no degrees, high school was the furthest I managed to go (lack of "time" aka "€") though, I can fucking get a good job, and trust me, within my search I have found over 5000 jobs in which they are offering the minimum wage (which is not THAT bad) and ask for no experience at all... something smells really fishy in this country. People fancy it better to stay at home getting money from the State instead of getting a job.. MOVE, YOU FUCKING JACKASSES!
Well, apparently, the only thing that changed was... nothing! The government is still fucking us all in the ass and people are still not doing anything about it. Why? Because:
A) They have gotten "used to it" and therefore there is no point, they think, in moving their asses! Basically they are being merely lazy bastards, as always, and change isn't really motivational for them;
1) Obviously, our government sucks... and then he comes (the Prime Minister with the fake Engineering Degree) and tells us all: "We have to increase taxes because the country is in regression". Dear PM, I believe you should pay more attention to the billionaire salaries and pensions that your buddies are getting directly out of MY FUCKING POCKET!
Have you EVER consider that, perhaps, 25.000 € is a bit TOO FUCKING MUCH for someone who's doing SHIT all day?
The salaries and pensions below are regarding the public sector, please note that the current minimum wage in Portugal is around 485 € and that, besides being the minimum wage. it is also de average wage for an average Portuguese citizen:
You all know TAP right? Personally, I love it, is the best airline I could travel on, seriously, travelling with TAP makes me like Portugal a little bit more. TAP is an emblematic company in the public sector, surprisingly, or not, its President has a monthly wage of 45.000 €. WooHoo!!
We have all read, at least, about CGD - Caixa Geral de Depósitos, this is, in the State enterprise sector, the company that generates more profits, it happens to be my bank as well and I must say that I am rather satisfied with their services. Oh yeah, but the point here are the salaries, so... the President's monthly salary is 40.000 €. Nice...! Ah, almost forgot to mention its vice-president who's salary is 39.000 €, good pals it seems!
Now, we have CTT, Portuguese Mailing Services. What can I say about it, oh I know, it has no organization at all, I'm surprised they don't lose the keys for the Post Offices... What a lame excuse for a public service... Ok, ok, I'll jump to the President's wage already, 21.000 €/month.
According to the statistics, the average amount is 1.360 € for retired people, how great does it sound? Good right?! Now, the question is:
HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE if more than 70 % of the retired population receives less than 500 € ?!!
- No, it is not a trick question.
Just do the maths, would you? Let me give you a hint, the statistics are correct! And I believe you know why, already...
So, if 1 person gets 300 € and another gets 50.000 € as its pension, lets calculate, shall we:
300 + 50.000 = 50.300 € ( I needed a calculator for this)
50.3000 / 2 = 25.150 € (don't try this at home)
What does this lead us to? A completely fucked up, worthless, lame ass, correct statistic.
Ok, enough showing my logical skill... As you may read in the following link, there was a raise in the pensions... though, this does not apply to all Portuguese citizens (unfortunately is written in Portuguese, but thanks technology, there's Google) :
Another thing, did you know that?
- If you become a assemblyman over here you have to work only for 8 years and get your FULL pension, when all the other mortals have to work until they DIE so they can bring 80 % of their salaries as a pension.
- If you have had a post as a politician (anywhere in the country, doing... well, who knows what) you can also retire with your full salary as a pension in a few years. Oh, and the cherry on top of the cake is that, they can "accumulate" pensions, like, for instances, if you have been a mayor, and if you have been a congressman, and a teacher, you can have all the political pensions plus the regular non-political one. How cool is that?
Bottom line, why are these people getting THIS MUCH? Ah well...
Apologies for sounding like a mumbling pissed off old lady, as always, but I am( undoubtedly) PISSED OFF already, and I have been here for less than a month...
Thank you for reading, if that happens at all ^^
1 comentário:
girl, i used to say: I rather stay home than get paid the minimum wage... Apparently I was so wrong! lol lol let's just say I'm not the jobless type of girl! bjos**
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