One of the most known aspects of the Japanese culture is Anime.
Since I'm such an Anime Fan I've decided to post some of my favorite Movies and Series, ever. Sure I've left tons of Animes out, but it would have been a HUMUNGUS list otherwise.
Hope you might find this post useful.
Anime Movies:
1. Spirited Away (I had an unexplainable connection with this movie)
2. Dante's Inferno (Simply amazing...)
3. Ninja Scroll (I love ninja stuff...)
4. Grave of the Fire Flies (A rather touching movie - Awesome)
5. Ghost in the Shell (Very clever movie - Loved it!)
6. Vampire Hunter D (I personally love this movie, specially the 2nd)
7. Howl's Moving Castle (How can someone not love this movie)
8. Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade (A rather different kind of anime)
9. Princess Mononoke (A classic - used to watch as a kid)
10 . Blood, the Last Vampire (Last but not the least)
Anime Series:
1. Bleach (I'm simply addicted to it)
2. Death Note (2nd most loved for me - ADORE it)
3. High School of The Dead (Zombies and Comedy - perfect!)
4. Rosario & Vampire (Monsters and Comedy - Hilarious)
5. Naruto Shippuuden (I love ninja stuff and controlling elements)
6. Avatar (Same as above)
7. Full Metal Alchemist (Definitely great!)
8. Alucard, Hellsing (Used to be one of my favorites)
9. One Piece (Hilarious crew of Pirates! A classic)
10. Samurai X (Used to watch it as a kid, still love it!)
There are more choices than the ones Society presents to us... Break out! Break free! No need to have others do the thinking and the feeling for you! The short presentation below might help you figure things out a little.
Alan Watts - Music and Life
quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011
quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011
What is Nihilism? - you may ask.
Nihilism,(from the Latin nihil, nothing) is the philosophical doctrine suggesting the negation of one or more putatively meaningful aspects of life. Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.
Moral nihilists assert that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived. Nihilism can also take epistemological, metaphysical, or ontological forms, meaning respectively that, in some aspect, knowledge is not possible, or that contrary to popular belief, some aspect of reality does not exist as such.
- Mereological nihilism, disbelief in parts and wholes
- Metaphysical nihilism, disbelief in objects
- Epistemological nihilism, disbelief in knowledge
- Moral nihilism, disbelief in objective moral facts
Basically, and to keep it simple, Nihilism is a philosophical position which argues that Being is without objective meaning, purpose, truth, or value, which I must certainly agree with.
Below you'll find some Cultural Manifestations that you can relate to Nihilism:
TV series:
Seinfeld (TV Series 1990–1998)
Bleach character - Ulquiorra
Literature, that became rather known movies:
Fight Club
Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen Album
Nine Inch Nails - The downward spiral Album
The Big Lebowski
Full Metal Jacket
I've been a Nihilist since I can remember...
Honestly, I hate the fact that they had to come and put a tag on Nihilism as well...
Rather ironic, isn't it?
terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011
Pug Love
Have you met my puggy Kiraly?
Yes, his name is Hungarian, please do try to translate the name, you'll see how perfect it is for my pug.Pronounciation.

Most people tell me he's just like me (specially while he's sleeping) - "I don't gets it"
Below you can see how crazy he is:
Yes, his name is Hungarian, please do try to translate the name, you'll see how perfect it is for my pug.Pronounciation.

Most people tell me he's just like me (specially while he's sleeping) - "I don't gets it"
Below you can see how crazy he is:
segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011
Top 10 Solutions to improve Portuguese economy

As we all are aware (who cares) Portugal faces a crises never seen before, mostly thanks to corruption.
Also, it's interesting how Portuguese rather sit back and have someone "fighting" for them instead of doing it themselves... Well, the only thing Portuguese are good for is complaining and being ignorant...
Portugal could move from its €485 minimum wage and its 23% taxes on goods for at least a €1000 minimum wage and 15% on taxes if we would be in willing to do the follow:
Please note that this are only my TOP 10 Solutions, there are plenty more:
1 - No public official's wages should be higher than our President of the Republic's salary, which is €10.000 (pretty high for a guy that does nothing all day long anyway...)
2 - No public official should receive more than 1 (one) retirement pension... in Portugal there are WAY too may situations in which a person receives 3 pensions and all of them are over €5.000...
3 - Kick IMF - International Monetary Fund - (FMI) out of Portugal!
4 - No immigrant or non-immigrant should be entitled to receive subsidies of €500 if they have never worked and payed taxes in Portugal (or EU country) in their lives...
5 - The people who are fairly entitled to these subsides should not be receiving them if they are unemployed for over 3 months, and if they cannot find a job within this period, they should keep receiving the subsides ONLY as long as they would do communitary work (cleaning the streets, forests and so on... * NO FANCY JOBS * if they have no experience nor brains to forfiet the tasks and duties respectively.
6 - Being a congressman/assemblyman SHOULD NOT be a profession, therefore, this kin of politician should not be paid to be sitting on their asses pretending they are trying to improve Portugal...
In Portugal, an assemblyman is paid €3.708 (start salary) + benefits and has to work 8 years only in order to retire with his FULL pension (unf*ck*n'belivable if you ask me). Also, they very often (if not ALWAYS) do what I've mentioned in point #2.
7 - Kick IMF - International Monetary Fund - (FMI) out of Portugal!
8 - Have all Politicians (since 1986) returning all the money they've stolen from us!
9 - Never aid Banks again and make sure that they are not allowed to open bankrupcy, EVER AGAIN!
10 - Have the Military Forces NOT being paid for being sitting on their asses all day long... playing cards and watching TV (yes, that is what happens in Portugal, yeah, it is Taxes Money as well!).
Since our Polices Forces are living, walking targets, lets have the Military handling the crime in the cities. Shoot first, ask questions later.
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