There are more choices than the ones Society presents to us... Break out! Break free! No need to have others do the thinking and the feeling for you! The short presentation below might help you figure things out a little.
Alan Watts - Music and Life
quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011
From rock bottom...
When everything looks like its about to crumble and fall --BANG!-- it all changes (again).
Darkness is part of life, trying to avoid would be as if one kept on not living at all.
Regardless of any negative feelings that we might have and all the destructive thoughts in our minds, we all know, deep inside, that life isn't static...
Nothing is forever, therefore, nothing is truly yours. Why to strugle so much over such ephemeral activities and materialistic sensations?
Once again, a new chapter of my life is about to begin. Hopefully the pain and sorrow won't follow as close this time.
sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011
The more you think the less you feel...
Did you know that the human brain is not meant to think?
Philosophy, Math, the Fine Arts.
The brain is nothing but the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals its function is to act on the rest of the body either by generating patterns of muscle activity or by driving secretion of chemicals called hormones. This centralized control allows rapid and coordinated responses to changes in the environment.
So, basically, the brain is responsible for senses as vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell.
Though, if we would see this from a philosophical point of view, what makes the brain special in comparison to other organs is that it forms the physical structure that generates the mind.
As Hippocrates put it: "Men ought to know that from nothing else but the brain come joys, delights, laughter and sports, and sorrows, griefs, despondency, and lamentations."
I must agree with him... You see, the brain is responsible for your "feelings" as well. Though, this feelings are all "logical".
What makes you "feel" joys and sorrows? The the thinking that you've lost something because of "this particular reason" or the tinking that you like this for "that particular reason".
Have you ever noticed that you always know why you like or dislike something or someone?
"I like this because it smells nice, and looks pretty, and its usable"
"I don't like this because its annoying, looks dreadful and stinks"
We always look for the "whys" in everything, specially in our life choices:
"Why should I take this and not that?"
"Why did I do this mistake?"
"Why am I not like that?"
Seriously... what is the point of knowing the "why" in everything?
Sure thinking has its advantages regarding medical research and technology and of course the human being will always have the need to think, otherwise we woulnd't be able to feed our egos and to think of ourselves as better than others... like good narcisist assholes, but hey! try to separate society from living...
When was the last time that you've lost the strengh on your knees by just shaking someone's hand for the first time?
When was the last time that you're heart almost jumpped out of your chest after just looking at a landscape?
And how many times you've wondered WHY am I feeling this feelings...
The more you think WHY the less you feel reallity...
Don't think about this... just read it and try to leave day by day.
I'm pretty sure that most of you will not understand what I've just wrote, and haters' gonna hate. But I'm counting on the 1% (there is still hope).
sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011
Times like these...
Today, the most lonly day of them all. The more people I meet, the bigger becomes the emptiness inside...
Where are the people that usually suround us cheerfuly? Have they ever been there at all, I wonder...
This brings up a rather interesting subject... what is real?
Am I real? Are you? Whatever you look upon...
How can I be positively sure that I'm not part of someone's dream, that I'm not a product of someone's imagination, or perhaps, even my own...
Many people might dislike the movie "The Matrix", but since it came out I've identified it immediately with society (like
The point here is not can you believe it, but would you?
Is it not safer to live by the thought that you are not responsible for your actions and destiny?
Descarding all responsability, which makes us alive and, and have some supernatural being handling it for us... Ridiculous if you ask me.
However, do not let yourself into believing that I'm actually making any sense here.
Loneliness its living proof that nothing matters...
Meaning? NOTHING, is it!
Now, seriously... and lets not try to be a bunch of smartasses here...
What happens if you insult someone?
If you kick some dude in the balls?
If you have money?
Tell me exactly what is the point of having society liking you?
Why shall I:
- Not smoke (tobbaco, weed, whatever...)?
- Not drink alcoholic beverages?
- Not have sex whith who and how many people I want?
- Not use abusive and insulting language?
- Go to College (University)?
- Have a good job (or a job at all)?
- Own a car?
- Get married and build up a family?
- Be accepted by society?
What is the point exactly?
What are we living for? For WHO are we living?
Well, of course, if fitting in, and living so others can compliment you is what makes you happy, by all means... go ahead!
Though, if I rather be homeless than have to put up with your sacred society's rules, please, for the love of whatever is immportant to you, leave me alone, don't judge me for being an individual...
As always I doubt that someone will EVER understand what I've been writting... or saying... However, if you were brave enough to read the all thing through. Well, good for you.
quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011
Some Japanese Culture
Since I'm such an Anime Fan I've decided to post some of my favorite Movies and Series, ever. Sure I've left tons of Animes out, but it would have been a HUMUNGUS list otherwise.
Hope you might find this post useful.
Anime Movies:
1. Spirited Away (I had an unexplainable connection with this movie)
2. Dante's Inferno (Simply amazing...)
3. Ninja Scroll (I love ninja stuff...)
4. Grave of the Fire Flies (A rather touching movie - Awesome)
5. Ghost in the Shell (Very clever movie - Loved it!)
6. Vampire Hunter D (I personally love this movie, specially the 2nd)
7. Howl's Moving Castle (How can someone not love this movie)
8. Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade (A rather different kind of anime)
9. Princess Mononoke (A classic - used to watch as a kid)
10 . Blood, the Last Vampire (Last but not the least)
Anime Series:
1. Bleach (I'm simply addicted to it)
2. Death Note (2nd most loved for me - ADORE it)
3. High School of The Dead (Zombies and Comedy - perfect!)
4. Rosario & Vampire (Monsters and Comedy - Hilarious)
5. Naruto Shippuuden (I love ninja stuff and controlling elements)
6. Avatar (Same as above)
7. Full Metal Alchemist (Definitely great!)
8. Alucard, Hellsing (Used to be one of my favorites)
9. One Piece (Hilarious crew of Pirates! A classic)
10. Samurai X (Used to watch it as a kid, still love it!)
quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011
What is Nihilism? - you may ask.
Nihilism,(from the Latin nihil, nothing) is the philosophical doctrine suggesting the negation of one or more putatively meaningful aspects of life. Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.
Moral nihilists assert that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived. Nihilism can also take epistemological, metaphysical, or ontological forms, meaning respectively that, in some aspect, knowledge is not possible, or that contrary to popular belief, some aspect of reality does not exist as such.
- Mereological nihilism, disbelief in parts and wholes
- Metaphysical nihilism, disbelief in objects
- Epistemological nihilism, disbelief in knowledge
- Moral nihilism, disbelief in objective moral facts
Basically, and to keep it simple, Nihilism is a philosophical position which argues that Being is without objective meaning, purpose, truth, or value, which I must certainly agree with.
Below you'll find some Cultural Manifestations that you can relate to Nihilism:
TV series:
Seinfeld (TV Series 1990–1998)
Bleach character - Ulquiorra
Literature, that became rather known movies:
Fight Club
Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen Album
Nine Inch Nails - The downward spiral Album
The Big Lebowski
Full Metal Jacket
I've been a Nihilist since I can remember...
Honestly, I hate the fact that they had to come and put a tag on Nihilism as well...
Rather ironic, isn't it?
terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011
Pug Love
Yes, his name is Hungarian, please do try to translate the name, you'll see how perfect it is for my pug.Pronounciation.

Most people tell me he's just like me (specially while he's sleeping) - "I don't gets it"
Below you can see how crazy he is:
segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011
Top 10 Solutions to improve Portuguese economy

As we all are aware (who cares) Portugal faces a crises never seen before, mostly thanks to corruption.
Also, it's interesting how Portuguese rather sit back and have someone "fighting" for them instead of doing it themselves... Well, the only thing Portuguese are good for is complaining and being ignorant...
Portugal could move from its €485 minimum wage and its 23% taxes on goods for at least a €1000 minimum wage and 15% on taxes if we would be in willing to do the follow:
Please note that this are only my TOP 10 Solutions, there are plenty more:
1 - No public official's wages should be higher than our President of the Republic's salary, which is €10.000 (pretty high for a guy that does nothing all day long anyway...)
2 - No public official should receive more than 1 (one) retirement pension... in Portugal there are WAY too may situations in which a person receives 3 pensions and all of them are over €5.000...
3 - Kick IMF - International Monetary Fund - (FMI) out of Portugal!
4 - No immigrant or non-immigrant should be entitled to receive subsidies of €500 if they have never worked and payed taxes in Portugal (or EU country) in their lives...
5 - The people who are fairly entitled to these subsides should not be receiving them if they are unemployed for over 3 months, and if they cannot find a job within this period, they should keep receiving the subsides ONLY as long as they would do communitary work (cleaning the streets, forests and so on... * NO FANCY JOBS * if they have no experience nor brains to forfiet the tasks and duties respectively.
6 - Being a congressman/assemblyman SHOULD NOT be a profession, therefore, this kin of politician should not be paid to be sitting on their asses pretending they are trying to improve Portugal...
In Portugal, an assemblyman is paid €3.708 (start salary) + benefits and has to work 8 years only in order to retire with his FULL pension (unf*ck*n'belivable if you ask me). Also, they very often (if not ALWAYS) do what I've mentioned in point #2.
7 - Kick IMF - International Monetary Fund - (FMI) out of Portugal!
8 - Have all Politicians (since 1986) returning all the money they've stolen from us!
9 - Never aid Banks again and make sure that they are not allowed to open bankrupcy, EVER AGAIN!
10 - Have the Military Forces NOT being paid for being sitting on their asses all day long... playing cards and watching TV (yes, that is what happens in Portugal, yeah, it is Taxes Money as well!).
Since our Polices Forces are living, walking targets, lets have the Military handling the crime in the cities. Shoot first, ask questions later.
segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011
Awaken, again...

To all the people I no longer trust:
Friends don't take advantage on you for what you have or where you are neither for what you can do for them. This is called opportunism (and you should be ashamed of yourself)
Though: "shame on you if you fooled me once, shame on me if you fooled me twice".
You might as well just delete me from your contacts. Dare asking for a favor, I beg you.
To all the friends that have always been there for me:
Death (metaphorically speaking) to the betrayers who care about nothing but their own fucking desires and have no guts to even apologize... *spit*
I gave you shelter when you needed the most... you've refused me one before I even asked for it.
I gave you strength when you were afraid... you've rose above and your ego forgot your roots.
I've shown you that there is always a way... you took the advice without fully understand it and pushed me from the way.
I've trusted you with all my plans... you'd never told me yours, for taking advantage of me was part of one.
In the end... nothing but a leech, you were... still are. And for the looks of it, will still be.
Mistakes... Mistakes... Learn from them and them forget that they were ever there.
quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011
Long time no see...

That's right, long time no see. I have been away from my country for about almost 3 years.
Yes lads, tough luck... or maybe not!
Portugal might not be the best country of them all, actually is rather sappy and did not develop a bit... though I still do love its old ways and retrogressive society, in a broody and sarcastic way, it is my country after all!
Amazingly, and yet regarding the previous information, this country does surprise me. You see, I've been told (and by the way, literally, frightened to death, specially by the news) that Portugal was jobless, and hopeless... well, it is partially true. The thing is, as you'll come to understand, the situation is only "bad" because people don't really move their asses... (oops, "A" word, one of many yet to come).
So, here I was, scared with the thought that my home city, for example, could have been burnt to its foundations, that every people I knew was begging on the streets and selling crack... or my thought wasn't this dramatic, per say, but I was indeed worried that all environments which were familiar to me had been drastically changed.
I must say, that I didn't find the situation as bad as they made me picture it, I could find a good job after 2 weeks, while some people are out there jobless for 2 years... hmm... that's interesting. The funny part is that, I didn't even had to try! Look, I have no degrees, high school was the furthest I managed to go (lack of "time" aka "€") though, I can fucking get a good job, and trust me, within my search I have found over 5000 jobs in which they are offering the minimum wage (which is not THAT bad) and ask for no experience at all... something smells really fishy in this country. People fancy it better to stay at home getting money from the State instead of getting a job.. MOVE, YOU FUCKING JACKASSES!
Well, apparently, the only thing that changed was... nothing! The government is still fucking us all in the ass and people are still not doing anything about it. Why? Because:
A) They have gotten "used to it" and therefore there is no point, they think, in moving their asses! Basically they are being merely lazy bastards, as always, and change isn't really motivational for them;
1) Obviously, our government sucks... and then he comes (the Prime Minister with the fake Engineering Degree) and tells us all: "We have to increase taxes because the country is in regression". Dear PM, I believe you should pay more attention to the billionaire salaries and pensions that your buddies are getting directly out of MY FUCKING POCKET!
Have you EVER consider that, perhaps, 25.000 € is a bit TOO FUCKING MUCH for someone who's doing SHIT all day?
The salaries and pensions below are regarding the public sector, please note that the current minimum wage in Portugal is around 485 € and that, besides being the minimum wage. it is also de average wage for an average Portuguese citizen:
You all know TAP right? Personally, I love it, is the best airline I could travel on, seriously, travelling with TAP makes me like Portugal a little bit more. TAP is an emblematic company in the public sector, surprisingly, or not, its President has a monthly wage of 45.000 €. WooHoo!!
We have all read, at least, about CGD - Caixa Geral de Depósitos, this is, in the State enterprise sector, the company that generates more profits, it happens to be my bank as well and I must say that I am rather satisfied with their services. Oh yeah, but the point here are the salaries, so... the President's monthly salary is 40.000 €. Nice...! Ah, almost forgot to mention its vice-president who's salary is 39.000 €, good pals it seems!
Now, we have CTT, Portuguese Mailing Services. What can I say about it, oh I know, it has no organization at all, I'm surprised they don't lose the keys for the Post Offices... What a lame excuse for a public service... Ok, ok, I'll jump to the President's wage already, 21.000 €/month.
According to the statistics, the average amount is 1.360 € for retired people, how great does it sound? Good right?! Now, the question is:
HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE if more than 70 % of the retired population receives less than 500 € ?!!
- No, it is not a trick question.
Just do the maths, would you? Let me give you a hint, the statistics are correct! And I believe you know why, already...
So, if 1 person gets 300 € and another gets 50.000 € as its pension, lets calculate, shall we:
300 + 50.000 = 50.300 € ( I needed a calculator for this)
50.3000 / 2 = 25.150 € (don't try this at home)
What does this lead us to? A completely fucked up, worthless, lame ass, correct statistic.
Ok, enough showing my logical skill... As you may read in the following link, there was a raise in the pensions... though, this does not apply to all Portuguese citizens (unfortunately is written in Portuguese, but thanks technology, there's Google) :
Another thing, did you know that?
- If you become a assemblyman over here you have to work only for 8 years and get your FULL pension, when all the other mortals have to work until they DIE so they can bring 80 % of their salaries as a pension.
- If you have had a post as a politician (anywhere in the country, doing... well, who knows what) you can also retire with your full salary as a pension in a few years. Oh, and the cherry on top of the cake is that, they can "accumulate" pensions, like, for instances, if you have been a mayor, and if you have been a congressman, and a teacher, you can have all the political pensions plus the regular non-political one. How cool is that?
Bottom line, why are these people getting THIS MUCH? Ah well...
Apologies for sounding like a mumbling pissed off old lady, as always, but I am( undoubtedly) PISSED OFF already, and I have been here for less than a month...
Thank you for reading, if that happens at all ^^